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Ways to Give

Altar Flowers

Each week we refresh the altar flowers in our sanctuary. You may choose to sponsor those flowers in memory or in thanksgiving of a loved one.  You can pay for the cost of flowers online or drop off a check at the church office.  Please let us know of any specific dedication for the flowers. 

Image by Annie Spratt
Image by Nicola Fioravanti

Festival Offerings

For Easter & Christmas we have special music and decorations for the Church.  We accept donations for music and flowers with a dedication in memory of and/or in thanksgiving for those special people that you would like to honor. Contact the Financial office for more info.

Memorial Gifts

In remembrance of that special person that has left us, we will accept gifts which are used for church worship (i.e.) patens, linens, vestments, chalice, etc.

If you are interested in gifting an item in memoriam of a loved one, please contact our financial administrator to discuss your idea.

Image by Sandy Millar
Image by Romain Dancre

Planned Giving

For some, planning for end of life includes gifts to their parish. Planned giving can be arranged with our rector to discuss how one would like their passing gifts be distributed per their last will & testament. 

If you would like to meet with a clergy person about planned giving, please contact our church office. 

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